Changes in Top 10 Shareholders >

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Leave empty to view all changes. To view changes for a particular shareholder enter a part of a shareholder's name (i.e. Ingra) or choose a fund and click on 'Show'.
The lists below contain dates for which we have data on the top 10 shareholders
1st date: From the left list select month-year, and then from the right list choose a date
2nd date:
Show all changes in the number of shares between the given dates
Options for registered users
Registered users are not limited to viewing only the first 5 shareholders.

* For dates between 01/01/2007 and 03/23/2007 there is no data about the number of shares owned by individual shareholders. If the date is red , then on that date only data for most liquid stocks is available. SPONSOR: - crypto prices from trusted exchanges
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