Number of shares |
No. of shares LRHC-R-A: (issued cap. per share=88.92 EUR) |
302,641 |
Total No. of shares:
302,641 |
No. and % of own shares:
Trading LRHC-R-A |
156.00 |
Date of last trade: |
12/22/23 |
Liquidity in 20 trad. days: |
0 |
Avg. volume in last 20 trad. days: |
0 |
Beta: |
Data used for calculation |
Price: |
156.00 |
Equiv. No. of shares*
(own shares included): |
302,641 |
Equiv. market
capitalization (000)*: |
47,212 |
Last financial report |
Period: |
3rd quarter 2023 |
Type: |
Publication date: |
Entry date: |
All financial reports