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stock screener - screen stocks by fundamental and technical indicators (79 indicators)
graphical view of revenue and profit growth by quarter or year in the stock screener
historical dividends and dividend details, search by dividends
all available data
last 3 years
calculation of tax on realized capital gain
view most recent fundamental indicators
without delay
delayed at least 1680h
beta coefficient
side by side view of financial reports
no limit
last 2 periods for which the financial reports are available
side by side view of financial indicators by year
no limit
last 3 years
new financial report alert
export financial reports to Excel
View trend for fundamental indicators and screening by the trend
selecting the country in the stock screener
Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina (Republic of Srpska)
top 10 shareholders updates
every friday
changes in top 10 shareholders for most liquid stocks
no limit
last 30 days only
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