About the indicators and the calculation method

The fundamental indicators that are used on this site are explained below:
: the icon illustrates quarterly and cumulative growth for a specific indicator. The growth is related to the same quarter/period of the previous year. 4 small squares in the middle row indicate growth per quarter (last quarter is on the left). The green square indicates growth, and the red fall of the indicator. Cumulative growth is illustrated with the color which is used to frame the squares in the middle row, and the number of framed squares denotes the current quarter for which financial data are available. If a square is black then there is no data for growth in that quarter.
From the example icon above, we can conclude:
- the last quarter (2nd) was better than one year ago (green square on the left)
- 1st quarter of the current year and 4th and 3rd quarter of the previous year were worse than one year ago (3 red squares from left to right)
- the cumulative result in the current year was better than one year ago (green frame)
beta: coefficient which shows the stock volatility in relation to the market (index). If the value is greater than 1, the stock is more volatile than the market, and if it is less than 1, the stock is less volatile than the market. Observed period for the calculation of beta coefficient is the last 12 months. Beta coefficient can be negative - then the value of the stock mainly moves in the opposite direction of the market.
BVPS: book value per share
Cash and short term investments/P: calculated like (share price) / (cash + short term financial assets per share)
Cash and short term investments/share: cash + short term financial assets per share
Coefficient of financial stability: calculated like (long term assets) / (equity + long term debt). It is deemed desirable value smaller than 1.
Comprehensive net income: Comprehensive net income attributable to equity holders of the parent company
Current ratio: ratio of short term assets and current liabilities
Days sales outstanding: calculated like number of days in a year (365) / receivables turnover ratio
Debt: total debt (current liabilities+long term debt)
Debt factor: calculated like (total debt) / (net income + amortization)
Debt/assets: ratio of total debt and assets
Debt/EBITDA: ratio of debt and EBITDA
Debt/EBITDAnoextr: ratio of debt and EBITDA (no extr.)
Debt/equity: ratio of total debt and equity
Debt/share: total debt per share
Dividend yield: ratio of dividends per share and share price
EBIT: earnings before interest and taxes that include net extraordinary income. Calculated like: earnings before taxes (EBT) + net financial expenses
EBIT (no extr.): Calculated like: EBIT (earnings before taxes + net financial expenses) - net extraordinary income.
EBIT (no extr.) margin: ratio of EBIT (no extr.) / revenue
EBIT margin: ratio of EBIT / revenue
EBITDA: calculated like: EBIT + depreciation+amortization + impairment charges
EBITDA (no extr.): calculated like: EBITDA - net extraordinary income
EBITDA (no extr.) margin: ratio of EBITDA (no extr.) / revenue
EBITDA margin: ratio of EBITDA / revenue
EBITDA/S: ratio of EBITDA / sales revenue
EBITDAnoextr/S: ratio of EBITDA (no extr.) / sales revenue
EPS: earnings per share. Net income per share (non comprehensive) attributable to equity holders of the parent company
EV: calculated like (market capitalization + financial debt - cash - short term financial assets). Financial debt is calculated like (long term debt + current liabilities to financial institutions + current liabilities arising from debt securities). If there is no data on the type of current liabilities - total current liabilities are used.
EV/EBITDA: calculated like: (market capitalization + financial debt - cash - short term financial assets) / (EBIT + depreciation+amortization + impairment charges)
EV/EBITDAnoextr: calculated like: (market capitalization + financial debt - cash - short term financial assets) / EBITDA (no extr.)
Free cash flow: calculated like (operating cash flow) - (capital expenditures). Capital expenditures are (cash outflows for purchase of long term tangible and intangible assets) - (cash inflows from sale of long term tangible and intangible assets).
Loss before tax from discontinued operations: Loss before tax from discontinued operations
Loss for the period from discontinued operations: Loss for the period from discontinued operations
LT Debt/equity: long term debt to equity
Net extraordinary income: calculated like: extraordinary income - extraordinary expenses
Net financial income: calculated like: financial income - financial expenses
Net income: net income attributable to equity holders of the parent company (non comprehensive)
Net working capital: short term assets - current liabilities
No. of employees: Number of employees at quarter-end
NPM: net profit margin. calculated like ratio of net income and total revenue
Operating cash flow: cash flow from operating activities
Other operating revenues (outside the Group): Other operating revenues (outside the Group)
Other operating revenues with undertakings in a Group: Other operating revenues with undertakings in a Group
P/B: ratio of price and book value per share
P/CF: ratio of price and operating cash flow
P/E: price-earnings ratio. Ratio of price and net income per share (non comprehensive) attributable to equity holders of the parent company
P/EA: calculated like (share price) / (earnings + amortization) per share
P/EBIT: ratio of price and EBIT per share
P/EBITDA: ratio of price and EBITDA per share
P/EBITDAnoextr: ratio of price and EBITDA (no extr.) per share
P/EBITnoextr: ratio of price and EBIT (no extr.) per share
P/FCF: ratio of price and free cash flow
P/S: ratio of share price and sales revenue per share
P/S (rev.): ratio of share price and revenue per share
Profit before tax from discontinued operations: Profit before tax from discontinued operations
Profit for the period from discontinued operations: Profit for the period from discontinued operations
Quick ratio: calculated like (cash + short term financial assets + receivables) / current liabilities
Receivables turnover ratio: ratio of sales revenue and receivables
Retained earnings and reserves: Retained earnings or accumulated deficit + reserves. Calculated like: (capital and reserves attributable to equity holders of the parent company) - share capital.
Revenue: Calculated like: sales revenue + other revenue
Revenues from sales with undertakings in a Group: Revenues from sales with undertakings in a Group
ROA: return on assets. ratio of net income and total assets
ROCE: EBIT / Average Capital Employed. Average Capital Employed = Assets - Current Liabilities
ROE: return on equity. ratio of net income and equity
Sales revenue: sales revenue as declared in financial statement
Sales revenues (outside the Group): Sales revenues (outside the Group)
Share in loss from associated entities: Share in loss from associated entities where the company has a significant but non-controlling stake (typically >20% and <50%)
Share in profit from associated entities: Share in profit from associated entities where the company has a significant but non-controlling stake (typically >20% and <50%)
Total equity: capital and reserves attributable to equity holders of the parent company
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