IVEX-R-A : Historical prices

1 08/06/07  106.84 107.33 0.63% 576,118106.84107.51106.18106.84
2 07/16/07106.18 106.18 0.00 0.00% 10010,618106.18106.18  
3 06/06/07  106.18 106.18 0.00% 626,583106.18106.18 119.45
4 05/21/07106.18 106.18 0.00 14.29% 505,309106.18106.18 119.45
5 04/17/0792.91 92.91 0.00 0.00% 312,88092.9192.9173.00119.45
6 12/19/05  23.62 23.62   50011,81223.6223.6223.62 
7 06/06/0886.27 86.27 86.27 -12.04%-12.04%1008,62786.2786.2739.8292.91
8 11/06/07  99.54 99.54 -6.83%-6.83%1009,95499.5499.54 106.18
9 02/10/06  53.09 53.09 -4.76%-1.66%33517,78553.0953.0953.0966.36
10 01/30/08  98.21 98.21 -1.33%-1.33%201,96498.2198.21 98.21
11 08/07/07  106.84 106.84 0.00%-0.46%505,342106.84106.8498.21106.84
12 04/29/0898.08 98.08 98.08 -0.14%-0.14%1098198.0898.08 98.21
13 07/02/07  106.18 106.18 0.00%0.00%505,309106.18106.1898.21106.18
14 06/28/07  106.18 106.18 0.00%0.00%505,309106.18106.1898.21106.18
15 06/27/07  106.18 106.18 0.00%0.00%27829,518106.18106.18 106.18
16 01/17/07  92.91 92.91 0.00%0.00%312,88092.9192.91  
17 01/25/06  39.82 39.82 0.00%1.45%501,99139.8239.8234.7739.82
18 01/26/06  47.78 44.08 20.00%10.71%51822,83539.8247.7846.4553.09
19 01/31/06  55.74 53.99 16.67%22.47%623,34751.7655.7453.09106.18
20 01/19/06  29.20 29.20 23.60%23.60%2058429.2029.2029.8638.49
21 02/17/06  66.36 66.36 25.00%25.00%503,31866.3666.3653.76106.18
22 01/20/06  39.82 39.25 36.36%34.41%1405,49538.4939.8231.8539.82
23 02/24/06  92.91 92.91 40.00%40.00%504,64592.9192.9161.72106.18
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* The close and average price are adjusted for possible stock-split.
The data source is Zagreb Stock Exchange but the Exchange or MojeDionice.com are not responsible for accuracy of the published data.
Last trades: 10  20  40  60  80  100  
Change: 265.17%
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